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Floodplain risk management study to reduce impact of ‘flash’ flooding around Lake Munmorah and Budgewoi Lake

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Central Coast Council is undertaking a floodplain risk management study around Lake Munmorah and Budgewoi Lake along with the suburbs of Wyongah, Kanwal, Toukley, Noraville, Norah Head and Canton Beach.

The study, supported by the NSW Government’s Floodplain Management Program, will identify flash flooding ‘trouble spots’ and assess what measures are required to reduce the risk of flooding during significant storm events.

Council Acting Director – Assets, Infrastructure and Business, Boris Bolgoff, said Council was seeking the community’s help to collect information on past flooding experiences and local flood knowledge.

“Council is undertaking flood studies across all areas that have been identified as a priority and this study will focus on stormwater that overwhelms the drainage network causing flash flooding,” Mr Bolgoff said.

“A paper survey will be sent to residences in the identified areas which we encourage residents to complete and return, or may be submitted online via

“Photos or videos of flooding events would also be of tremendous value and can be submitted by post or online.”

The study survey is now open and will close on Friday 14 September 2018.

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