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First Full Weekend Chemical Cleanout Hailed a Success

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Central Coast residents found it easier to drop off chemicals when Council opened up its Charmhaven Depot all weekend for the free drop off.

Paints, oils and batteries were the most popular items in the 45.27 tonnes of chemicals dropped off at the regular cleanout Council runs with the support of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA).

Council’s Waste Coordinator, Mr Matthew Collins, said holding the cleanout on one day in the past had resulted in long waiting times for residents and having the two day event ensured a smoother run event.

“It is really heartening to see so many of our residents wanting to make sure they dispose of their chemicals in a responsible manner,” Mr Collins said.

“They had an easier time of it too this time as there was opportunity to drop off the chemicals on either day of the weekend so there was less waiting time which residents appreciated.

“We had a lot of positive comments about the service particularly from the huge number of residents using the service for the first time.”

1017 vehicles made the trip to Charmhaven Depot to drop off unwanted chemicals with a large proportion using the service for the first time.

Paint was again the most common product presented at 24.75 tonnes followed by:

  • oil – 4.17 tonnes
  • lead acid batteries – 3.51 tonnes
  • gas cylinders – 2.91 tonnes
  • general household chemicals –  2.5 tonnes
  • hydrocarbons and fuels – 2.12 tonnes
  • inert solids – 2.1 tonnes

The remaining tonnage was made up of various items including household batteries, acids, alkalis, photographic chemicals, pesticides and others.  

“I am really pleased the message is getting out there that the incorrect disposal of these chemicals really can cause lasting damage to not only our health directly but also the health of our waterways and the environment upon which we all rely on to support us,” Mr Collins added.

Central Coast residents will have another opportunity to drop their unwanted chemicals at next Chemical Cleanout to be held at Gosford Show ground Car Park on the weekend of September 17 and 18 between 9am and 3.30pm.

For information on types of chemicals and quantities that can be dropped off go to

The Household Chemical Cleanout is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.

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