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Drop in for water quality answers

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Residents in the areas around Terrigal and the coastal lagoons are reminded they can drop in and have their water quality questions answered at Central Coast Council and the NSW Government’s final community information sessions.

The Terrigal and coastal lagoons audit is a comprehensive monitoring program investigating water quality at Terrigal Beach and Haven, and Wamberal, Terrigal, Avoca and Cockrone Lagoons.

Council’s Acting Unit Manager Environmental Management, Luke Sulkowski said the program, which began in January 2019, is progressing well.

“A team of scientists, technical experts and operational staff from Council and the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment are working together to assess possible sources of pollution in each catchment, determine the impact on long-term water quality, and prioritise remediation works,” Mr Sulkowski said.

“It’s been a busy summer for staff who have been regularly monitoring water quality as well as popping up in the community to answer any questions locals and visitors have as we progress deeper into the audit program.”

Another initiative that has played an important part of keeping residents informed throughout the program is a new interactive pin map. The map launched online late last year allows residents to anonymously let Council know areas they may be concerned about.

The interactive map also shows what has already been achieved through the audit, what has been fixed and what is scheduled in the coming months.

Mayor Lisa Matthews said the project is an example of what can be achieved when working closely with the State Government and alongside the community.

“We know that there has been a number of concerns raised about the water quality across the Terrigal and coastal lagoons catchment and this project has given us an enormous amount of data to help Council plan ahead to address these issues,” Mayor Matthews said.

“I would encourage all residents to get along to our drop-in sessions where they will be able to hear the progress of the project and ask any questions of our staff.”

For further information or to view the interactive map and the results of the audit to date visit

Terrigal and Coastal Lagoons Audit Community Drop-in Sessions

•           Tuesday 18 February 2020: 10am-1pm Wamberal SLSC
•           Tuesday 18 February 2020: 3pm-7.30pm Terrigal SLSC

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