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Council's Use of Herbicides

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Central Coast Council understands community concern over the use of herbicides in light of recent news coverage around the USA civil law suit connected to ‘RoundUp’ a commonly used herbicide.

Council’s Unit Manager of Natural and Environmental Assets, Luke Sulkowski, said that the health and safety of Council workers and the community are taken very seriously and Council ensure responsible practices are in place for the safe use of herbicides whilst protecting the environment.

“Council applies herbicides containing glyphosate for the purpose of weed control within the Central Coast Local Government Area. Weed control is essential for the management of our local waterways, biodiversity, property and assets, and our natural and built environments”, said Mr Sulkowski.

“Glyphosate is registered for use in Australia by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). The APVMA advise that products containing glyphosate can be used safely in accordance with directions on the label. “Council staff who apply pesticides are appropriately trained in accordance with the requirements of the Pesticides Act 1999 and application occurs in accordance with directions on the label. Application of any herbicides within a public area is notified in accordance with Council’s Pesticide Use Notification Plan (which includes herbicides, insecticides, algaecides). This plan was developed in consultation with the community and approved by the NSW Environment Protection Authority. In addition, herbicide application within waterways is undertaken in accordance with an Environment Protection Licence (EPL) issued and regulated by the NSW Environment Protection Authority”.

The Pesticide Use Notification Plan and EPL can be found on Council's environmental management page. Information relating to council's use of herbicides may be found on the herbicide spraying program page. 

Further information regarding the perceived health concerns associated with the use of glyphosate can be found on the APVMA website.

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