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Council’s environmental education program in line for national award

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Central Coast Council has recently won two NSW awards for its Estuary Education Programs and is now a finalist for Australian Environmental Educator of the Year.

Council’s Environmental Education Officer, Nick Carson, received the Government Education Award for Outstanding Contribution to Environmental Education in NSW and won the overall award for NSW Environmental Educator of the Year at the Australian Association of Environmental Education (AAEE) Awards.

Council Group Leader Connected Communities, Julie Vaughan, said it’s great to see Council’s environmental education programs recognised as one of the best in the state.

“Nick Carson is already well known on the Central Coast as a leader in environmental education and it is great to see his work being recognised at a state level,” Ms Vaughan said.

“His passion comes across in his presentations when he’s educating about why our natural environment is so important.

“Over the last six years, an evaluation of the estuary education programs shows an increase of more than 90 per cent in the community’s knowledge and the changes in their perceptions of the importance of the estuary and its management.

“This recognition is well deserved and testament to the quality of the staff we have here at Council who are passionate about what they do in the area they live in.

Nick, with support from colleagues in the Learning Community team and Waterways and Asset Management Section, designed and implemented a number of innovative and hands on projects to encourage positive behaviour change for the communities of the Tuggerah Lakes and lower Lake Macquarie catchments.

These projects include running interactive tours, developing two Multi-Touch Books for young children about our wetlands and advertising through a comprehensive media campaign, like the animated film movie-goers may have seen in the cinemas, as well as creating partnerships with agencies such as Take 3, the Community Environment Network (CEN), Waterwatch and other government agencies.

Mayor Jane Smith said she has worked with Nick on a number of projects in the past and is pleased Council’s environmental programs are getting such significant recognition.

“I couldn’t think of anyone more deserving than Nick to receive these awards for educating our community on the importance of protecting our natural environment,” Mayor Smith said.

“I was lucky enough to be a part of the development of the Wetland Multi Touch Books with Nick which are a great educational tool and a key reason why his work is being recognised beyond the Coast.

“I want to personally congratulate him on these outstanding awards, it’s certainly well-deserved with all the great work he does in our community.”

The Australian Environmental Educator of the Year Awards will be announced at the national conference in October 2018 on the Gold Coast.

The Multi-Touch Books are now available to download for free on the iBookstore, just search for Central Coast Council.

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