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Council’s Chief Executive Officer hands over the reins

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Central Coast Council’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Rob Noble, officially steps out of the position today, handing over the reins to new CEO Brian Bell.

Mr Noble is leaving after two years as CEO at Wyong Shire Council and Central Coast Council to return to his business and home in Queensland.

“I stayed longer than I originally intended as I wanted to lead the new Central Coast Council through the amalgamation process and support Administrator Ian Reynolds and our staff in creating a vibrant and sustainable Central Coast,” Mr Noble said.

“I am taking with me a lot of fond memories of the Central Coast. I have worked with some fabulous people and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to work here.”

New CEO Brian Bell has extensive experience in Local Government, spanning 50 years, including 12 years as General Manager of Lake Macquarie Council.

“Rob is leaving some very big shoes to fill. He has led the transformation of two organisations into one Central Coast Council and has created a solid foundation for the newly elected Council to build on,” Mr Bell said.

“I am looking forward to the challenge of continuing to lead the organisation through this transition period to the elected Council while continuing on the excellent course Rob has set for us.”

Administrator Ian Reynolds echoed these sentiments.

“Rob has done an amazing job and it is due to his hard work and leadership that this Council has achieved as much as it has,” Mr Reynolds said.

“He is a transformational, charismatic leader and has left a great legacy and will be greatly missed by staff.

“He is without doubt one of the best CEOs I have encountered in all my years in Government and I thoroughly enjoyed working with him.

“Brian Bell is well equipped to continue and build on Rob’s work.  He lives here on the Coast and has led an award-winning Council – Lake Macquarie Council – for a number of years.

“He has the runs on the board and the commitment to continue to make Central Coast Council the very best it can be.”

New CEO Brian Bell will preside over the Extraordinary Meeting on Monday 25 September to elect the first Mayor of Central Coast Council.

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