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Council welcomes emergency dredging of Ettalong Channel

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Central Coast Council has welcomed the State Government’s commitment today to urgently dredge the Ettalong Channel.

Council called for this commitment at its last Council meeting and agreed to apply for funding under the ‘Rescuing Our Waterways’ program. 

Mayor Jane Smith said she was pleased the State Government accepted responsibility to keep the Channel open and the announcement of emergency dredging was welcome news for the community.

“The State Government has always had the means and the funding to be able to keep the Channel open and it is pleasing to see the Government now fulfil its responsibilities,” Mayor Smith said.

“Council has listened to our community and want a long term solution for the dredging of the Channel - that is why we will apply for State Government funding.

“Preparation of that application is underway, and it will be submitted by the deadline.

“Based on past years it may take many months for applications to be determined and funding provided.

“That is why it is crucial the State Government has allocated this interim emergency funding today.

“A long term solution is vital for the local community and the Central Coast and that is why we are asking for a Working Party to be set up to look at the realistic long term funding solution for the Channel.”

The Working Party will be made up of Council, State Government and community representatives and will assess the appropriate approach for the future, looking at maintenance dredging, technical issues, environmental implications, community impacts and funding.

Council will be lodging a ‘Rescuing Our Waterways’ funding application by Friday 8 June 2018. 


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