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05/08/2021Central Coast Council is adding to further calls from NSW Health and Central Coast Health for all community members to strictly follow all Public Health Order requirements in place to control the spread of COVID-19 and to seek out a test for the virus if the mildest of symptoms are experienced.
The plea follows the identification of nine cases of COVID-19 on the Coast (as at Friday 6 August) and detection of the virus at sewage treatment plants in Woy Woy, Charmhaven, Toukley, Burwood Beach, Belmont and Shortland.
Council Chief Executive Officer, David Farmer said the health advice is clear – only leave home for essential reasons when absolutely required and seek out a COVID-19 test at the onset of the mildest of symptoms.
“It is extremely concerning for Council and our community to hear about cases of COVID-19 in our region and an increase in the detection of virus fragments in several of our sewerage systems,” Mr Farmer said.
“NSW Health is the lead in this emergency and the advice provided by NSW Health and Central Coast Health has been regular and clear. Council is actively sharing all key messages across our communication channels and our community services team are working to support our vulnerable residents.
“It is important to remember that public health is everybody’s responsibility and Council encourages all community members to directly monitor and carefully follow all advice issued by NSW Health and Central Coast Health.
“The primary messages are clear – do not leave your home unless for the absolutely essential reasons defined by NSW Health. If you do leave your home for essential reasons – mask-up, check-in and keep your distance.
“If you have the mildest of cold-like symptoms – fever, cough, sore/scratchy throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, and loss of taste or smell – seek out a COVID-19 test as soon as possible and isolate until you receive a negative result.
“Council’s primary responsibility is the safety of our staff and community and we are carefully monitoring all advice and adapting to the evolving situation and any changes to the Public Health Order,” Mr Farmer continued.
“We will continue to deliver essential services for our community including water and sewer services, waste collection, road repairs and child care centres.
“Please note that any of our staff that you may see around the region are Authorised Workers – they are cleared by the Government to provide essential services for our community.”
Council Administrator, Rik Hart said the vast majority of Central Coast residents are doing their bit to help control the spread of COVID-19.
“Lockdowns are extremely difficult and we thank all community members that are carefully following requirements to help control the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus.
“The NSW Government is also continuing to stress that vaccination is the key to a safer and freer life for all of us and is calling on all NSW residents to seek out a vaccination as soon as possible.
“Please get tested if you feel unwell, even if you are experiencing the mildest of cold-like symptoms. If you do need to leave home for an essential reason – mask-up, socially distance and check-in using QR codes.
“The Central Coast is a resilient community and by working together we will control the spread of COVID-19 in this region.”
Community members can access a number of COVID-19 testing clinics across the Central Coast –
Community members should refer to NSW Health and Central Coast Health communication channels for the latest COVID-19 information, advice and restriction details –
Details of any COVID-19 related impacts to Council facilities and services are on Council’s website – COVID-19 information is also available on Council’s emergency dashboard –