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Council survey kick starts Climate Change conversation with the community

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Central Coast Council will kick start comprehensive engagement with the community on a draft Climate Change Policy with an online survey which opens today.

Council endorsed a draft Climate Change Policy in August 2018 for public exhibition. The draft policy provides a framework to support future actions around planning for the possible impacts of climate change. This will enable Council to align its operations and strategic planning with the NSW State Climate Change Policy Framework.

Council will now commence engagement activities with the community to ensure residents have the opportunity to learn more about the policy, participate in discussion and provide submissions to help shape the final policy to be adopted by Council.

Mayor Jane Smith said climate change is not only an environmental issue, but also an economic and social issue.

“It is crucial Council shows leadership in addressing climate change and its impacts through responsible planning and collaboration in the best interests of our community,” Mayor Smith said.

“Council is serious about reducing emissions, energy efficiency, resilience planning and infrastructure protection and planning. This draft policy provides us with a clear pathway to become more resilient to climate change.”

Consultation with the community will kick start with a short online survey where residents can view and provide initial feedback on the draft policy, express concerns about the possible impact of climate change as part of daily life and impacts on the Central Coast more broadly.

“I strongly encourage the community to complete this short survey and register their interest in working with Council to discuss planning for impacts of climate change so we can collaboratively work towards building a vibrant and sustainable Central Coast.”

The survey will also give the community the opportunity to register their interest in the workshop series commencing in February 2019 to discuss the draft Climate Change Policy.

The survey is available at and will close on 7 December.

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