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13/01/2019Central Coast Council has joined the State-wide ‘Save Our Recycling’ campaign, calling on the NSW Government to reinvest 100 per cent of funds collected through the waste levy into waste minimisation, recycling and resource recovery.
The ‘waste levy’ is the contribution paid to the NSW Government for each tonne of waste received at Council’s Waste Management Facilities – a requirement of The Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act).
Mayor Jane Smith said Council is supporting the campaign as the funding collected by the waste levy should be reinvested in creating jobs and sustainable industries right here on the Central Coast.
"With recent changes to recycling processes, there is an urgent need for us to develop innovative approaches to resource recovery,” Mayor Smith said.
“Central Coast Council paid $57.8M in waste levy funds for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 financial years, but only directly received $670,000 over the same period to assist with waste management and recycling infrastructure, programs and education.
“The release of waste levy funds could help us develop a modern, smart, home grown resource recovery and recycling industry, establish more innovative recycling facilities, producing packaging and products that are easier to recycle and reuse.
“This would lead to creation of much needed local jobs for our growing community without any extra cost to ratepayers.
“We supported a similar motion at the Local Government NSW Conference held in November 2018 and already have many motions with similar intent,” Mayor Smith added.
“This will align us to the Local Government NSW campaign to help send a clear message that we want a state-wide approach to waste and recycling.
“I would also encourage the community to fill out the campaign survey to help better understand the ways in which NSW residents recycle, and their attitudes towards the management of household waste and recycling.”
Council will now seek bipartisan support from the State Government to commit to reinvest 100% of the Waste Levy in waste minimisation, recycling, resource recovery and waste management infrastructure.
Visit to join the campaign and to take the survey.