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Council Supports Sporting and Cultural Stars

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Are you representing our region, state or country in a sporting or cultural event?

Applications are now open for council’s Developing and Recognising Talent (DART) program to assist in covering costs for eligible residents who have been selected to participate in a recognised sporting or cultural event.

Council Administrator Ian Reynolds says the DART program aims to recognise and support grass-roots sporting and cultural talent.

“The DART program offers sponsorship for individuals or groups towards the costs associated with participating in significant sporting and cultural events,” said Mr. Reynolds.

“The program also formally recognises those individuals and groups that achieve excellence in their discipline and represent our region.

“Eligible applicants must have been selected based on a merit or qualification and also be able to demonstrate local involvement in their chosen field for two years or more.

“Currently applicants must reside in the former Gosford Local Government Area (LGA) and the present nomination period covers events held from October to December 2016.”

This year the DART program has already provided financial support to 34 groups and individuals who display a wide range of talents across various sporting and cultural pursuits. Many of these recipients are achieving outstanding results.

Recent recipients include:

  • Jaclyn Chambers competed in the Showstopper Eisteddfod in Los Angeles, winning both her performances in the 17-year age group and ranked third overall;
  • Jessica Stanmore was selected to represent NSW at the National High School Tennis Championships in Albury, with the NSW team taking out the championships; and
  • Coastal a Cappella competed at the National Sweet Adeline championships, held in Wollongong. 20 choruses competed in the competition and Coastal a Cappella came in sixth position – a very credible result for the 38 member squad, as the top five choruses consisted of more than 60 members.

To download a DART program application form go to:

For more information contact council’s Community Grants Assistant on 4325 8850 or

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