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16/02/2022Council’s submission to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) is seeking to maintain rates and is not seeking a year-on-year rate increase.
Administrator Rik Hart strenuously dispelled misinformation about what this application really means for ratepayers.
“Council is not seeking an increase on top of what ratepayers currently pay in the ordinary rate. We are seeking a continuation of the status quo for a further 7 years. That is to maintain the current rate structure for a further 7 years, ten years in total. This is consistent with our original application to IPART last year,” Mr Hart said.
“This does not mean a further rate increase as the temporary Special Variation of 15% (including rate peg) determined by IPART in May 2021 is already included in the rates which people are paying in the current year.
“If our application is approved by IPART, the only difference that ratepayers will see on their current rates from 1 July 2024 is the same change they will see on 1 July 2022 and 1 July 2023 – an increase by the annual rate peg determined by IPART,” Mr Hart said.
“By maintaining these rates at the current level means Council can maintain services, continue productivity improvements and meet debt repayments. This is all about the long term financial sustainability of Council,” Mr Hart said.
Rate peg may vary from year to year and other factors which may impact the amount of rates paid are changes in unimproved property value and changes in rating categories.
For more information and access to information materials, go to Council’s website
Details about Council’s proposal can be found on IPART’s website which also has instructions on how to lodge a submission at