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07/09/2017Central Coast Council is committed to providing better roads for local residents by investing $189 million this financial year. This comprises $71.7 million on roads, transport and drainage as well as $117.3 million on maintenance and resealing.
This investment, announced in June as part of Council’s first ever integrated Operational Plan, is delivering $551 million of investment in essential services and a record $207.9 million on capital works across the Central Coast.
Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said the need to maintain and upgrade our road network was a theme raised constantly with Council by residents and businesses.
“The improvement of transport infrastructure including roads, shared pathways and cycle ways will remain a priority for Central Coast Council as our community continues to grow,” Mr Reynolds said.
Council has engaged data collection specialists to conduct a comprehensive road condition assessment across its entire sealed road network. Covering more than 2,200 kilometres of sealed road pavement, the project will provide a road condition assessment that will underpin the future allocation of funds and resources to Council’s road upgrade program.
The data collected will be used to develop future road renewal programs and determine the most effective way to treat and manage Council’s road assets.
“Roads are a vital part of regional infrastructure connecting our community and enabling the coast to grow and prosper,” Mr Reynolds said.
“Local Government should be committed to investing as much as it can in its community and that’s why this Council is spending a record amount to address the asset and infrastructure backlog rather than creating a record surplus.
“A key priority for this Administration period of Council has been to build a solid foundation in preparation for the newly elected Council, and I believe this commitment to roads funding demonstrates that we are on track to deliver a high quality road network for the community,” said Mr Reynolds.
Council also has an information tool on our website to help residents keep up to date with road projects happening in their area. It sets out the status of all road and drainage works listed this financial year, allowing the community to be informed of the works being carried out in their neighbourhood.
Each road project has a unique pin, outlining its location, description and timeline for the commencement and completion of the project.