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Council releases its draft Dogs in Open Spaces Action Plan engagement summary report

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Council has released its engagement summary report of the draft Dogs in Open Spaces Action Plan following the exhibition period, which garnered over 3,200 wide ranging community submissions.

Council has committed to further exploring some of the key issues raised by our community during the exhibition period, and to address the significant volume of misinformation spread through the community during the consultation period.

Council Administrator, Rik Hart said detailed analysis of the feedback provided is still being undertaken by Council to ensure recommendations put forward in any revised Plan reflects the values of our community.

“During the consultation period, Council identified that there was general community support for the principles behind the draft Plan; however, the specific actions proposed resulted in a diversity of views. Council also identified a significant amount of misinformation, predominately on social media, about the actions that Council were proposing“ Mr Hart said.

“A detailed consultation report, which includes Council’s response to specific concerns from the recent community consultation will be provided with the revised draft Plan.

“The revised Plan will provide clarification on the key drivers and actions proposed including a detailed risk assessment surrounding the current Terrigal off leash area, and the engagement of an independent expert to provide Council with advice in relation to the environmental sensitivities at the current Davistown off leash area and the Bush Stone Curlew. The appropriateness of timed and/or seasonal beach access will also be considered.

“Council will also consider what targeted stakeholder engagement will be required with our community as we progress this work.

“It is important to note, that there are currently no changes to the management of Council’s open spaces while an updated position is under development.”

To view the draft Dogs in Open Spaces Action Plan engagement summary, visit:

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