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Council Meeting Highlights - 28 June 2017

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First Integrated Operational Plan and Budget adopted by Council

Central Coast Council has adopted its first ever integrated Operational Plan with $551  million in essential services and a record $207.9 million on capital works set to roll out across the Central Coast from July 1.

Capital works spending has been increased by $400,000 on the draft exhibited Plan thanks to additional grant funding received by Council. Overall, the plan forecasts a surplus of $1.9 million for the 2017-2018 financial year.

The draft plan was on public exhibition for 29 days from 16 May 2017 and received 77 submissions from the public. These submissions resulted in some amendments to the Plan.

Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said the financially sound Operational Plan strikes a  balance between delivering essential services in local areas and big picture regional projects to benefit the entire Central Coast community.

“The community can have confidence our finances are sound and strong – everything in this Plan is costed and is on track for delivery,” Mr Reynolds said.

“We have chosen to directly tackle our infrastructure backlog and will deliver bumper investment in our local road network, parks, playgrounds, sports fields and water and sewer assets.

“There is also a strong investment in regionally significant assets that will drive investment, growth and tourism for the Central Coast including the Tuggerah Regional Sporting Complex and a Regional Performing Arts Centre in Gosford.”

Over 75% of operating and capital expenditure will be invested in the top priorities identified by the community – roads, transport and drainage, water and sewer, open space and recreation, waste services and waterways.

“A key priority for this Administration period of Council has been to build a solid foundation in preparation for the newly elected Council in September, and I believe we have delivered,” said Mr Reynolds.

“This truly marks a line in the sand as we now go forward as one Council with a sound plan and budget and a vision to create a vibrant and sustainable Central Coast.”

Gosford CBD parking fees reconsidered following community feedback

Council has reconsidered a fee increased for the Gosford City Car Park following community feedback on its draft Operational Plan and budget for the 2017-18 financial year.

Over 40 submissions were received, during the public exhibition period, objecting to the proposed fee increase for the car park formerly known as the Baker Street Parking Station.

Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said Council had listened to the community concern on this fee increase and had amended its plan accordingly.

“There will now be no increase in the casual car park rate at the car park and a flat rate for Central Coast stadium event of $5,” Mr Reynolds said.

“That will make this car park a much more attractive option when Lionel Richie comes to town in October when parking really will be at a premium.”

Regular users of the car park, particularly commuters can be reassured that permanent car parking spacing pricing will remain in line with CPI increases, currently at 3%.

“Council understands parking is an issue in the Gosford CBD and is committed to working with commuters, businesses, residents and particularly State Government agencies on a permanent solution.”

Good Governance assured under Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee

Transparent decision making and ensuring good governance are the key drivers of Central Coast Council’s newly formed Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC).

The ARIC, comprising three independent members, as well as the Administrator has an important role in the governance framework of Council.  Its role is to provide  independent oversight, objective assurance and monitoring of Council’s audit processes, internal controls, external reporting, risk management activities, and all policies and procedures.

Committee Members have now been formally inducted and held their first official meeting on Tuesday 20 June 2017.  A representative from Council’s External Auditors (Price Waterhouse Coopers) and a representative from the NSW Auditor-General also attended.

Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds said the establishment of the AIRC places Council in an excellent position in the pursuit of good governance, which in turn promotes effective and efficient delivery services to the Central Coast community with transparency, honesty and integrity.

“The job ahead for our newly formed Council is of great significance as we work to align internal processes whilst still maintaining a strong service level across the region,” Mr Reynolds said.

“The amalgamation has presented a once in a lifetime opportunity to drive savings and facilitate greater investment in services and facilities for the Coast.

“To do that we need to continuously improve the way we do things and that is a clear focus of this Committee.

“The independent oversight and commitment of the members will have a positive benefit for the Central Coast for many years to come, supporting sound decision making and helping Council deliver services across the Central Coast more effectively.

“The community can be assured there is true independent overview of audit processes and internal controls to ensure our financial management is second to none.”

Meetings are scheduled bi-monthly with the next meeting on Tuesday 29 August 2017. The October meeting of the ARIC will review and consider Council’s annual audited financial reports and external audit opinion.

The agenda and minutes of each meeting will be located on Council’s website in an area dedicated to the ARIC.

Council grants delivering a stronger Central Coast Community

Dedicated and talented Central Coast residents are being supported as they continue to do valuable work in the community and travel to compete in elite sporting events.

Council has granted more than $25,000 from the Community Grants Program to see the continued support of key community initiatives such as Central Coast Kids Day Out and the Wyong District and Gosford District Garden Competitions.

Historically these projects have received financial and in-kind support from the former Gosford and Wyong Councils to deliver these popular initiatives for the community.

Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said it’s local competitions like the garden competitions that build community pride and Council is happy to support them again this year.

“If you love your garden and want to show it off then make sure you enter one of the  annual garden competitions on offer again,” Mr Reynolds said.

“With so many categories to choose from, garden enthusiasts should be able to find a section to suit.

“So start pruning and get your garden ready for entry before the end of September.”

Council also announced more than $114,000 worth of other grants to help deliver services on the Coast and support residents achieve their goals.

More than $29,000 has been allocated from the 2016-17 Community Matching Fund to the Wyongah Progress Association Inc and to Camp Breakaway Inc to help increase active participation of community members through beneficial programs.

Six recipients benefited from the 2016-17 Community Benefit Grants with more than $22,000 allocated to assist community organisations and groups to help contribute to the well-being of the broader community.

The 2016-17 Community Subsidy Program is providing more than $5700 worth of assistance to four successful community groups and $2000 was allocated from the Neighbourhood Activation Program to Central Coast Sporting Horse Association to deliver community programs.

Six future sports stars received $7250 from the 2016-17 Developing and Recognising Talent program to support them in a wide range of sporting events such as gridiron, World Transplant Games, dancing, surfing, netball and robotics.

Council has also allocated more than $47,000 from the Protection of the Environment Trust Funding Program to four projects that will promote the protection and enhancement of the natural environment.

Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, added the grants program was designed to reward, recognise and support the efforts of hardworking Coast residents.

“These programs provide funds for events, activities and programs that are of great benefit to the community,” Mr Reynolds said.

“We have many dedicated people on the Coast who get out and contribute positively to their community.  We want to keep supporting their great work to make the Central Coast the very best it can be.”

“We also have many talented athletes, and we’re proud to support them as they excel in their chosen field and represent the Central Coast at a national and international level.”

Tonight Council also distributed almost $250,000 in Stronger Communities Fund to 14 local community groups who were successful in the third round of this $1 million in funding received from the State Government following amalgamation.

A list of recipients is available on request.

Council has conducted a review of its grants and sponsorship program. This will be presented to the July Council meeting with funding rounds to open in August.

Council schedule changed to accommodate Chamber renovations

The next two Council meetings will be held in the Wyong Office Chambers as renovations get underway to accommodate fifteen newly elected Councillors in September.

The next two meeting dates are scheduled for Wednesday 26 July 2017 and Wednesday 30 August 2017.

All Council meetings are live streamed and can be viewed live via Council’s youtube channel. The video is also available for public review for a month following the meeting.

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