Published On
11/06/2020Following the latest easing of COVID-19 restrictions, Council will reopen additional facilities as outlined below with a range of safety measures in place.
Peninsula Leisure Centre – reopened from Saturday 13 June 2020
- Gym
- Creche (limited numbers)
- Group fitness (limited numbers)
- Indoor pools for lap swimming and rehabilitation (limited numbers)
- Leisure and play swimming not permitted
- Learn to Swim and Aqua Fitness programs start date still to be determined
- Casual basketball
- Limited change rooms will be available
- 24 hour gym start date to be advised
- For further information call 4325 8123
Lake Haven Recreation Centre – reopened from Saturday 13 June 2020
- Gym
- Creche (limited numbers)
- Group fitness (limited numbers)
- Casual basketball/squash
- Limited change rooms will be available
- For further information call 4304 8020
Gosford Olympic Pool – reopened from Saturday 13 June 2020
- Outdoor pool reopened with updated restrictions
- Indoor pools for lap swimming and rehabilitation (limited numbers)
- Leisure and play swimming not permitted
- Learn to Swim and Aqua Fitness programs start date still to be determined
- Limited change rooms will be available
- For further information call 4304 7250
Niagara Park Stadium – reopened from Monday 15 June 2020
- Bookings and casual programs
- For further information call 4325 8194
Gosford Regional Gallery – reopened from Monday 15 June 2020
- From 15 June – Coastal Sanctuaries by Robyn Pedley will be exhibited in the Foyer Gallery
- From 22 June – Emerging will be exhibited in the in the main Gallery
- Limited number of visitors in line with the four square metres per person requirement and timed entry to reduce queues
- Must book online
- For further information and to book visit
Toukley Aquatic Centre – reopened from Monday 22 June 2020
- Indoor pools for lap swimming and rehabilitation (limited numbers)
- Leisure and play swimming not permitted
- Learn to Swim and Aqua Fitness programs start date still to be determined
- For further information call 4304 8060
At all Council facilities reopening the following is in place/required for visitors, staff and volunteers:
- increased cleaning regime
- hand sanitiser units installed
- removal of some seating and other touchable items
- access limited to ensure capacity limits are maintained – short waiting periods may be experienced
- contact details (name and mobile number or email address) will be recorded for a period of at least 28 days. These records will only be used for the purpose of tracing COVID-19 infections if required and are stored confidentially and securely
- attendees must acknowledge that they have not returned from overseas or been in contact with a known COVID-19 case in the past 14 days
- practise physical distancing at all times – maintain a distance of 1.5 metres from others at all times
- continue to practise good hygiene, including washing your hands before and after using any equipment and using hand sanitiser provided
- cough and sneeze into your elbow or shoulder
- please do not attend Council facilities if you are experiencing cold or flu symptoms or feeling unwell.
For an overview of all Council facilities – open, closed or open with restrictions – visit