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06/08/2018Last financial year, Central Coast Council invested over $1.7million into upgrading its six leisure centres across the region, and is set to deliver another $2.08million worth of upgrades in the coming year.
Connected Communities Director, Julie Vaughan said that Council’s aim is to ensure the sport, leisure, recreation and aquatic facilities are high-quality, open spaces that are well maintained and activated.
“Last financial year saw us completing a myriad of projects, ranging from installing air-conditioning, replacing fencing and purchasing inflatable devices, through to upgrading CCTV systems,” said Ms Vaughan.
“We also upgraded the gym equipment at Peninsula Leisure Centre, retiled Toukley Aquatic Centre and Wyong Olympic Pool and upgraded the toilet facilities at Gosford Olympic Pool.
“Upcoming project highlights for the next year include a $1.29million upgrade to the Lake Haven Recreation Centre building as well as new gym equipment for its fitness centre, installation of solar pool heating at the Peninsula Leisure Centre and Toukley Aquatic Centre, and an upgrade to the outdoor seating and grandstand area at Wyong Olympic Pool.”
Mayor Jane Smith said that Council is committed to continually investing in upgrades to the leisure centres.
“With the goal to continually improve the physical and social wellbeing of the Central Coast community, Council is committed to providing high quality and outstanding leisure facilities,” Mayor Smith said.
“Investing $3.78million across our six leisure centres will further provide residents and visitors of the Coast with terrific facilities and classes.”