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01/04/2019Central Coast Council is encouraging the community to provide feedback on the draft determination for water, sewerage and stormwater drainage prices for the Central Coast from the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART).
Council Director Water and Sewer, Bileen Nel said Council and community members can provide feedback directly to IPART from 2 April to 24 April 2019.
“We are entering the next important phase of IPART’s process for the Central Coast – a review of the draft determination,” Ms Nel said.
“Council will provide IPART with detailed feedback on the draft determination for our region and we encourage community members to do the same.
“IPART will deliver its final determination for the Central Coast in May, so this is the last opportunity for Council and the community to have a say.”
Ms Nel said Council would use the next three weeks to review IPART’s draft determination and to prepare a detailed response.
“We will look carefully at all elements of the draft determination to assess any implications for Council and our region.
“The Central Coast community continues to have an important role in this process and now have the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft determination directly to IPART.”
Council engaged in a community consultation process from April to September 2018 to develop a detailed submission to IPART outlining its recommendation for the Central Coast’s water, sewerage and stormwater drainage prices.
Community members were given an opportunity to provide feedback to IPART on Council’s submission in writing and by attending a Public Hearing held on 27 November 2018.
IPART reviews and determines the maximum water, sewerage and stormwater drainage prices for major water utilities across NSW. IPART will determine the maximum fees which would become effective on the Central Coast from 1 July 2019.
Community members can provide feedback directly to IPART on the draft determination by visiting IPART’s website – – and scrolling down to ‘Prices for Central Coast Council from 1 July 2019’. All feedback needs to be provided to IPART by Wednesday 24 April.