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01/03/2022Council is continuing its constant and close monitoring of lakes, waterways, beaches and roads for potential flooding and storm impacts, and is urging the community to get prepared as more heavy rainfall is forecast.
The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has advised an east coast low (ECL) currently over the Mid North Coast is moving south toward the Central Coast region. This ECL is expected to reach the Coast overnight and into Thursday, bringing with it increased heavy rainfall of 80-120mm on Wednesday, and 60-80mm on Thursday.
While BOM has released a moderate flood warning for the Central Coast region at 3pm on 2 March 2022, based on this heavy rainfall forecast, Council’s flood engineers have identified the potential for the moderate flood level (1.3m) to be exceeded.
Council is urging the community in areas with potential to be impacted by flooding to:
- refrain from driving or walking through flood water
- monitor emergency warnings and severe weather updates on local ABC radio, NSW SES Hunter Facebook Page and Bureau of Meteorology website
- raise moveable items such as furniture as high as possible onto benches or tables and place electrical items on top
- if you have any items stored in carports, garages etc., please be mindful these areas can be impacted by floodwaters
- move cars, caravans and recreational items to a safe area
- if advised by an emergency services officer to evacuate, please do so
- secure outside belongings
- if sandbags are required, collect from NSW SES at their Erina Depot or Wyong Depot
- if required to evacuate, turn off the power and water and take essential medicines and clothes with you
- look out for one another and check in on family, friends and neighbours.
For emergency help in floods and storms or urgent assistance for impacted properties, call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500.
In life threatening situations call triple zero (000) immediately.
Waterways and beaches
At 11.15am today, Tuggerah Lake was recorded at 0.75m following a 1.97m high tide. This is below the BOM minor flood level (0.9m).
Council crews and machinery were at The Entrance Channel again today to conduct further precautionary work establishing a pilot channel, which supports the channel widening and sand berm lowering undertaken by Council crews yesterday. The pilot channel may not necessarily present an immediate and obvious water flow, however is designed to assist water flow if flood conditions eventuate over the coming days as the ECL approaches.
Following analysis of data, Council’s flood engineers have identified the potential for the moderate flood level to be exceeded over the coming days, which is why we have undertaken these precautionary measures. Council staff are continuing to liaise with BOM to receive an accurate understanding of anticipated peak lake levels and will provide updates to the community ongoing.
An increasing east-north-east (ENE) swell of 4.5m is forecast for the rest of the day, with dangerous surf conditions and strong gusty winds along Central Coast region.
Beach closures are active at the following beaches: Lakes, Soldiers, North Entrance, The Entrance, Shelly, Wamberal, Terrigal, North Avoca, Avoca, Copacabana, Macmasters, Killcare and Umina. The Grant McBride baths site is currently closed due to dangers conditions. Toowoon Bay and Ocean Beach remain open. The ferry at Wisemans Ferry has been closed.
Pollution alerts are currently in place for a number of Central Coast beaches, head to the Beachwatch website for daily pollution forecasts.
Council is continuing to closely monitor the region’s 2,200km road network and respond urgently to fix potholes, remove fallen trees from roads and inspect and repair any other damage as quickly as possible.
Council’s Emergency Incident Committee is continuing to liaise with Transport NSW to collectively address impacts on roads.
Community members can report any potholes or road damage caused by weather events by calling Council on 1300 463 954 or contacting us online via ‘Report an issue’ page on Council’s website.
For information about road closures search ‘road closures’ at Council's website:
For road and traffic updates visit Live Traffic NSW