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Council corrects misinformation

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Central Coast Council wishes to correct the record in relation to information provided to the Mayor that was shared with the media.

In an Office of the Mayor media statement issued on 14 February 2020, it was mistakenly stated that Council had been waiting for NSW Government funding since June 2019.   Whilst Council submitted an application to the NSW Government’s Rescuing our Waterways Fund in November 2019 when the formal funding program had opened, Council had also proactively submitted a prior request for funding in June 2019 outside of the program open period.  Council was advised on 13 February 2020 that the funding application was successful and granted $600,000. Council will match this grant.

Council staff incorrectly indicated to the Office of the Mayor that Council required approval to open an additional channel at The Entrance during this natural disaster event. 

Central Coast Council holds licenses administered by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (Crown Land) and by the NSW Department of Primary Industries authorising Council to undertake maintenance dredging and beach nourishment in the vicinity of the channel at The Entrance and The Entrance North following notification to the appropriate government department.

Central Coast Council CEO Gary Murphy said there was no intention on the part of Council staff to mislead the Central Coast community or the Office of the Mayor.

“Staff made an honest mistake in respect of the information they provided to the Office of the Mayor. The Mayor has then unknowingly relayed this incorrect information to the media,” said Council CEO Gary Murphy.  

“It is a case of staff working round the clock during and after this natural disaster event. This matter has been addressed with staff.”

Council also wishes to clarify the role of a Mayor in any decision-making process of local government.   Whilst the Mayor is considered to be the voice of the council and the leader of the community, the Mayor’s role is also that of the ‘first among equals’. 

The Mayor therefore has the same role and responsibilities as Councillors but has additional responsibilities that reflect their leadership role. Those additional responsibilities are set out in Section 226 of the Local Government Act and include, amongst other things, carrying out civic and ceremonial functions. The Mayor does not have power under the Local Government Act to direct the CEO without a resolution of the governing body.

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