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Council Clarifies Role Regarding Proposed Chinese Theme Park

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The former Wyong Shire Council and Australia China Theme Park Pty Ltd (ACTP) entered into two contracts for the sale of two lots of land in Warnervale to ACTP in February 2016.

Central Coast Council acquired the rights and obligations of the former Wyong Shire Council under those two contracts as a consequence of the 12 May 2016 proclamation that merged the former Wyong Shire and Gosford City Councils.

The terms of those two contracts remain confidential. Central Coast Council has terminated the contracts in accordance with the terms of the two contracts, and retained the two $300,000 deposits paid by ACTP under the two contracts.

That $600,000 includes the $100,000 deposit that ACTP paid to the former Wyong Council as a deposit under the earlier contract for the sale of the same land.

Any other potential sale or uses of the land will be a decision of the future elected Council.

Council received a Development Application (DA) for stage one of the proposed Chinese Theme Park. This DA is being assessed by with the assistance of an external consultant, consistent with Council’s usual practice when dealing with complex development applications that are determined by the JRPP. The determining authority for the DA is the Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRPP).

At no stage has Central Coast Council been a proponent of the proposed Chinese Theme Park nor has it been in any partnership or other commercial arrangement with ACTP in respect to that proposed Park.

Council's only roles in respect to the proposed Chinese Theme Park have been its now prior role as a vendor of the land, on commercially sound terms, and its ongoing role as a planning authority.

Public statements by former Wyong Shire Councillors either in support of, or opposed to, the proposed Chinese Theme Park are the personal opinions of those former Councillors, and not the views of Central Coast Council.

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