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22/02/2020Central Coast Council has expressed concern at the worrying trend of social media comments inciting violent behaviour towards Councillors and staff ahead of Monday night’s Council Meeting.
Council CEO Gary Murphy said that whilst the community can disagree with recent Council decisions, any behaviour threatening harm would not be tolerated.
“Community attendees have been asked to sign-in to attend the Council Meeting and preceding Public Forum so that the audience capacity in the Council Meeting Chamber’s public gallery can be appropriately managed in the interests of public safety,” said Council CEO Gary Murphy.
“No qualification or approval process is in place to manage who can sit in the public gallery. It is simply a case of first in, and when capacity is reached, the public gallery will be closed.
“This does not mean that these attendees can also speak at the Public Form. This is a separate process,” reiterated Mr Murphy.
There is no change to the process for community members wishing to speak at the Public Forum, held from 5-6pm before each Council Meeting. If a community member wishes to speak, they must lodge a ‘Request to Speak Form, no later than 10am on the day of the meeting. Only a limited number of approved pre-registered speakers are able to address Council.
Sign-in to sit in the public gallery of the Council Meeting Chamber will occur from 4pm on the day of Council Meetings.
Whilst Council Meetings are open to the public, they are not public meetings. Residents can view Council Meetings live via webcast streaming.
The next scheduled Council Meeting on Monday 24 February will be held at Wyong Council Chambers at 6.30pm. For a list of Council Meeting dates, to request to speak at a Public Forum and to watch meetings livestream visit