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21/03/2020Central Coast Council will close for public access the administration buildings at Wyong and Gosford, libraries, leisure centres, gyms, pools, the Gosford Regional Gallery, Edogawa Commemorative Garden, The Entrance Visitor Information Centre, Gosford Smart Work Hub and all community facilities such as halls.
These closures to public access are effective immediately from Monday 23 March until further notice.
This is in response to the rapidly evolving Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and the most recent government directive to shutdown non-essential services in New South Wales.
Chief Executive Officer, Gary Murphy said Council’s priority is the health of staff and the Central Coast community and continuing to deliver essential services.
“Our job right now is ensuring we play our part in managing as best we can the spread of Coronavirus, and to protect the health and wellbeing of our staff and community.
“I want to assure the community that a number of our services are not interrupted and this includes essential services such as water and sewer; collection and management of waste; development assessments; road repairs; child care centres and public toilets will remain open. Maintenance of sportsfields, parks and reserves, such as mowing and other services will be evaluated as the situation unfolds.
“Beaches remain open and we will continue to monitor public attendance to comply with the restrictions around outdoor gatherings of 500 or more people.
“We will still attend to customer service queries by phone on 1300 463 954 and via Council’s website and keep the community updated through Council’s information channels including social media, enews and advertising,” said Mr Murphy.
Mr Murphy added that this unprecedented situation meant that Council would have to deliver services differently. Council staff were evaluating all options and importantly taking advice of health authorities.
“Now is the time to look out for your family, friends and neighbours, while exercising all the precautionary measures around physical distancing and self-isolation. Kindness during these times can be as simple as a phone call or note under a front door to see if someone is okay, offers to shop or walk someone’s dog, and respecting each other as things get stressful in shops or other public spaces,” said Mr Murphy.
For the latest information on changes to Council services visit and sign-up to Council’s weekly Coast Connect enews via
Customer service enquiries can be made via phone on 1300 463 954 and via Council’s website at
The Australia Government Department of Health and NSW Health provide daily updates on their websites. You can also learn more about protective measures against coronavirus from the World Health Organization and read the ‘What you need to know’ and ‘Isolation guidance’ information sheets.
Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade is also updating the Smartraveller website every day.