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05/09/2017Central Coast Council is one of 46 councils across NSW going to the polls, this Saturday 9 September, to decide who will represent their communities for the next three years.
On Saturday, almost 100 polling booths will be open across the Coast from 8am til 6pm. Many of these will be located at local primary schools, community halls or other community facilities.
Voting is compulsory, with 15 Councillors to be elected across five wards - Budgewoi, The Entrance, Wyong, Gosford East and Gosford West.
The NSW Electoral Commission provides accessible information and various resources to help residents vote correctly. Details can be obtained on their website or by calling 1300 135 736.
Fact sheets are available in different languages as is an Easy Read Guide. On the day, election staff, identified by a blue vest, will be available to assist voters.
There are also a few more days of pre-poll available if you are unable to vote on Saturday. Details are on the NSW Electoral Commission website.
For more information on how or where to vote this Saturday 9 September, contact the NSW Electoral Commission on 1300 135 736 or visit their website –