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18/07/2021Central Coast Chemical CleanOut events scheduled for the coming weekends have been postponed due to the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions currently in place for the region.
The two events were to be held at Event Park, Kariong on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 July and at Council’s Charmhaven Depot on Saturday 31 July and Sunday 1 August.
Council will continue to work with the NSW Environment Protection Authority to reschedule the events and the community will be advised once new dates are confirmed.
For residents who need to properly dispose of the problem wastes of paints, oils, gas bottles, fluoro lights, smoke detectors and batteries, Council’s new Community Recycling Centre is open 7 days a week and accepts household quantities of these wastes for free. Please ensure any activity you undertake is in line with current NSW Public Health Orders.
The Community Recycling Centre is located at 850 Hue Hue Road, Jilliby at Council's Buttonderry Waste Management Facility. It is open from 7am to 4pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday.
Find out more, search ‘recycling’ at
The Household Chemical CleanOut program is a NSW Environment Protection Authority Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded by the waste levy, brought to you by the NSW Environment Protection Authority, Paintback and Central Coast Council.