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Central Coast Roadside Litter Project hailed a success

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A bold new approach taken by Central Coast Council to help tackle roadside litter has seen a 97 per cent reduction in total litter volume across three litter hotspots at Blue Haven Link Road, Somersby Industrial Park and Kariong M1 on ramp.

The Central Coast Roadside Litter Project was effectively delivered after securing $36,000 in round four of NSW Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Litter Grants last year.

Unit Manager Learning and Education, Beth Burgess said the success of the project was a result of a multi-pronged approach to litter prevention including education, enforcement and infrastructure at each target site.

“This project has focused on encouraging behaviour change and educating the community on how to report littering from vehicles,” Mrs Burgess added.

“With the main source of litter identified being single use takeaway and drink containers, we provided 4000 reusable tidy bags for motorists and passengers to keep their rubbish with them until they were able to dispose of it responsibly without worry of spills.

“Of the participants in the initiative surveyed, 72% made changes to the way they disposed of their litter, with 68% advising they had learned about the reporting process.

“In direct correlation to this we saw the number of registered reporters increase by 37% between July and December 2018 when compared to the same time the previous year.”

Grant funding also went towards clean-ups of target areas, roadside signs at each site reminding motorists how to report littering from vehicles to the EPA as well as installation of 20 dash cams in Rangers vehicles increasing the chances of being caught littering.

Council Mayor Jane Smith said it was fantastic to see the community taking pride in the region and coming on board to help ‘Keep the Coast Clean’.

“The results demonstrate our community really want to do the right thing and can when given practical solutions to dispose of rubbish,” Mayor Smith said.

“By working together with our community we can continue to ensure the natural environment of the Coast is preserved and protected for the future.”

Littering from vehicles can be reported to the EPA online at or via the Report to EPA mobile App - it is unlawful for drivers to use a mobile phone to record this information unless the car is parked ignition turned off.

This project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.

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