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Central Coast Council Planning Agreement Policy on exhibition for community consultation

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Central Coast Council is inviting the community to review and provide comment on its draft Planning Agreement Policy.  The Policy is on exhibition from 7 February to 7 March 2023.

Planning Agreements are voluntary arrangements between a developer and Council or other planning authority, where the developer agrees to dedicate land free of cost, pay a monetary contribution, provide a material public benefit, or any combination of these, for public infrastructure or another public purpose.

Council’s Director Environment and Planning Alice Howe said Council enters into a number of Planning Agreements each year, usually negotiated as part of a development consent or land rezoning.

“It is important councils have policies and procedures in place to guide the negotiation, administration and making of Planning Agreements.  This ensures transparency, fairness and flexibility of planning decisions.”

Dr Howe said there is currently no Planning Agreement Policy that applies to the entire Central Coast Local Government Area (LGA).

“This new draft Planning Agreement Policy has been prepared to reflect updated references to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 and the Department of Planning and Environment’s Planning Agreements Practice Note.

“Should this new Policy be adopted, the former Wyong Shire Planning Agreement Policy, the Deed of Agreement and Bank Guarantee Policy and the Deferred Payment of Section 94 Contributions Policy would all be repealed.”

Council Administrator Rik Hart is encouraging the community to review the draft Planning Agreement Policy on Council’s website and to have their say through the submission process.

“The purpose of this draft Policy is to ensure best practice principles, policies and procedures are implemented when Council enters into a Planning Agreement with a developer.  This protects the public interest and the integrity of the planning process.

“The Central Coast is growing rapidly, and this means there are new developments being proposed to cater for the growing population, whether it be commercial or residential development proposals.

“Please take the opportunity to view the draft policy while it is on exhibition, so you can understand what is being proposed, and have your say if you so wish.”

For all information on the draft Policy and how to make a submission, please visit:



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