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Administrator's Message - What the Community Open Sessions is telling us

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I would like to thank those community members who have participated in the open office sessions held thus far. Whilst a component of the session is structured to provide background and context to encourage a constructive discussion, there is also a section that opens up to questions and answers. Across these sessions various issues have been raised, further clarification sought and deeper diving into key issues undertaken. I think most people left having a greater appreciation of the situation the Council is in.

Common themes raised have been on infrastructure backlog; the amalgamation; concerns relating to loss of services; condition of roads and assets deteriorating, and affordability.

Another key point raised was restricted reserves - why can’t Council use those monies to repay our debt and operate? The simple answer to this is the Local Government Act requires councils to keep monies collected for waste, developers contributions, water, sewer and drainage to only be spent for the purposes for which it is collected. The money by law is not allowed to be spent on running the business.

To date, I’ve advertised 13 sessions, with 7 taking place. I am more than willing to head out and meet with community groups. To make a booking email  

Rik Hart, Administrator

Open Office session times remaining for 2021:

Thursday 16 December 10am (in person) & 3.00pm (virtual)

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