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Administrator’s Message - Service delivery and Operational Plan

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We have produced a Delivery Program that has been out for public consultation and incorporates all the changes as a result of IPART’s (Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal) recent decisions to continue the Special Variation for a total of a further 9 years and the regulated water, sewer and stormwater drainage fees and charges for the next 4 years.  Even with these changes, our average rates overall continue to be approximately ten percent less than the neighbouring regions of Lake Macquarie and Newcastle.

The Operational Plan for 22-23 reflects expenditure greater than originally forecasted, but this has been able to be accommodated due to the much larger than budgeted, projected surplus for the 21-22 financial year.  This means we are responding to community feedback and have allocated extra resources for planning assessment, local roads and vegetation maintenance.

Also, unspent capital expenditure from the 21-22 financial year has been added to the capital cap of $175M for the capital program for 22-23.

Importantly the Long Term Financial Plan, with those changes incorporated, continues to show strong surpluses for 10 years which will be used to repay the $150M in emergency loans taken out 18 months ago.

We have stabilised the organisation and staff are focussed on providing the coast community with the services they deserve and need by having a financially sustainable Council.

Rik Hart, Administrator

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