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08/02/2022Council currently has a handful of projects and initiatives on public exhibition ready for your comment. Once a project, strategy or initiative is on exhibition members of the public usually have a period of at least 28 days to provide a submission.
Your submission plays an important role in the review and decision-making process, these are collated at the end of an exhibition period.
Projects or strategies on display may related to an area you are passionate about or directly impacted by, and it is vital that the exhibition period is used to convey your concerns and ideas.
If any of the projects or strategies listed below are of interest, I encourage you to write in now via the Your Voice Our Coast site where you can click on the relevant project for further details and to provide your submission.
- Community Strategic Plan (CSP) - Community Reference Group (Closes 18 February 2022)
- Central Coast Local Housing Strategy – Discussion Paper (Closes 28 February 2022)
- Planning Proposal in respect of land at 39 Dell Road West Gosford (Closes 4 March 2022)
- Mangrove Creek Dam Visitor Space (Closes 11 March 2022)
- Tuggerah Lakes foreshore restoration works (Ongoing 2022)
Have your say now.
Rik Hart, Administrator