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15/02/2022I would like to take the opportunity in this week’s message to correct the record and reassure the community of Council’s approach in our application to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). Following IPART publicly exhibiting Council’s application as of yesterday to maintain the current rate structure for a further 7 years, the community has been met with misinformation of what this application really means for ratepayers.
The media, in particular, have been reporting of Council’s application to IPART to extend the 15% rate rise for a further 7 years. In part, this statement is true. Yes, Council is seeking to extend the current rate structure for a further 7 years, taking us to 10 years in total, consistent with our original application made last year. Nothing new.
What is creating confusion among our community is the word ‘rise’ – Council is NOT seeking an increase on top of what you currently pay in your ordinary rate, we are seeking a continuation of the status quo for a further 7 years.
By maintaining these rates at the current level means Council can maintain services, continue productivity improvements and meet debt repayments.
Let me be clear, this application does not mean a year-on-year increase.
The community now have further opportunity to have their say through IPART’s consultation process prior to their expected determination in May 2022.
Rik Hart, Administrator