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02/02/2022Earlier today at an Extraordinary Meeting, Council resolved to formally apply to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) to maintain the ordinary rate at its current level for a further seven years, continuing what you are currently charged through to 2031.
By maintaining these rates at the current level means Council can maintain services, continue productivity improvements and meet debt repayments.
Council’s financial recovery plan put in place over 12 months ago is working and we are meeting all major milestones and targets, and currently at 6 months of the financial year we are ahead of budget.
However, the only way to ensure service levels remain the same is to extend out the current rate structure. We are simply reapplying for the shortfall of 7 years we did not receive in last years’ application.
I know this is not ideal and makes the community angry. However, the alternative would mean a reduction in services. I have heard first hand through emails received, open office sessions and meeting with community groups that the community does not want a reduction in services, if anything they would like to see an increase in services.
While borrowings have been arranged, stringent financial controls put in place and savings identified, Council’s position remains unsustainable if the current rate variation is not maintained.
I would like to reiterate, this application does not mean a year on year increase, we are asking that IPART retain the status quo for a further 7 years.
The community will have further opportunity to have their say through IPART’s consultation process that follows Council’s submission prior to their expected determination in May 2022.
Rik Hart, Administrator