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23/06/2021It was great to see the 2021 Harvest Festival return to the Coast over the long weekend showcasing over 30 event hubs in the hinterland. Over 48,000 people attended across the weekend, an increase of 16,000 from the event in 2019, with most of the visitors being from all over Sydney. The economic impact for the region was $5,390,133! Whist the figures here are impressive, venues were still restricted on numbers as a result of COVID public health orders.
17-23 May was National Volunteer Week where I had the pleasure of presenting Gabrielle Greiner as Volunteer of the Year at Central Coast’s National Volunteer Awards 2021, along with many other great volunteers being recognised for their hard work and dedication. I congratulate all volunteers!
I joined the CEO in attending, I attended the Central Coast Economic Breakfast hosted by Business NSW to hear where the Central Coast fits in global, federal and state context for growth.
I continue to meet with the local members of parliament to discuss their key concerns and grant opportunities, including one of Council’s key stakeholders, Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council’s Acting Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer to discuss future opportunities and Council’s MOU.
As I work through the submissions received on the Tranche 3 Asset Sales, I am also visiting those sites of contention to gain a thorough understanding of the issues raised.