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Administrator's Column - Referendum - March 3

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In looking into what has gone wrong with the Council, I formed a strong view that a major contributor was the 15-member council.

Fifteen councillors are too large a number if you want them to act collaboratively. While a smaller number provides no guarantee, nine people would increase chances significantly.

Part of the Councillor’s job is to act as a governing board over a very large business. This is the piece they messed up. Too often key actors played politics instead of acting in the interest of ratepayers. Just look at some of the last council meetings on the website.

To change the number of elected councillors there needs to be a 50% plus vote at a referendum. This is something the people can decide at the ballot box.

Accordingly, I have announced that there will be a referendum on this question at the time of the September election.

The question will ask if you agree to reduce the number of councillors from 15 to 9.

If the number changes, then there would need to be a change to the Ward structure. The choice would be between having no wards (councillors represent the whole Central Coast), or there would be three wards, each having three councillors.

I am seeking your opinion on this and a formal consultation starts this week.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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