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01/07/2021At Council’s Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday 29 June 2021 I adopted the 21/22 Operational Plan which outlines an operating budget of $659.8M and a capital works budget of $175M. We have made significant progress towards getting Council back on track through reducing our capital expenditure, completing a significant organisational restructure, commencement of asset sales and receiving the 15 percent special rate increase from IPART.
Whilst the last seven months have been extremely challenging for our community and Council, is it important that we reflect on what we have achieved and delivered for our community in the last financial year. Some of our completed capital works projects include the Mardi to Warnervale pipeline and the Woy Woy Town Centre Wharf.
Council adopted strategies for Graffiti Management, Skate Parks, Playspaces, Biodiversity, Economic Development, and Waste Resource Management, including the Consolidated Central Coast LEP.
Delivery of 145 projects includes road and drainage upgrades, traffic facilities, shared paths, bus stops, bridges and wharves and road renewals.
Achieving internal efficiencies through reduced IT annual operating costs by approx. $1m through re-negotiations and a reduction in license requirements, implementation of a corporate asset management system to consolidate all assets into a single register, and a single payroll solution.