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22/03/2021As of Monday morning, it is clear this major storm event will repeat the flooding of many of the homes damaged last year. This will be heartbreaking for so many people who are barely over what happened only 13 months ago.
In terms of the Entrance Channel, our acting CEO, Rik Hart, has been directing operations. Two Directors, Mr Cox and Mr Bolgoff, along with expert council staff, have been on the ground since last Thursday. Machinery has been in place and used as necessary. I continue to receive regular updates.
I have been impressed with the commitment and expertise of our team. I have no doubt they know what they are doing, and that everything was and is being done to minimise the impact of this storm.
Given the importance of this issue to so many people I have decided it is worth spending a small amount to engage an international expert to review our policy and approach to managing the channel.
Understandably public confidence in Council has been damaged with the events of the last few years. I am hoping this review by an independent expert will restore some of that confidence. It will result in either an endorsement or recommendation for change.
I will bring a proposal to Council tonight to put this into effect.
To all those being flooded again, our thoughts are with you.