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Administrator's Column - CEO Recruitment - February 22

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The success or otherwise of any Council depends on several key factors.

One is the role of the CEO [or the General Manager]. This person operates under the Local Government Act as the link and buffer between the elected body and the organisation. 

Prior to 1994, the Mayor was the CEO. In 1994 most states reformed their legislation to change that, making it clear the new position of General Manager [replacing the old Town Clerk] ran the organisation. The CEO reports to the elected body which has the role of setting policy, priorities, the annual budget and governing risk.

In my view this separation was not operating effectively after the merger. This led to the organisation falling way short in many respects, particularly in terms of leadership. This has been a major factor in bringing about the financial disaster we are now having to fix, and the loss of confidence in the council generally.

Having terminated the former CEO, I am now well advanced with the recruitment of his replacement. I am only interviewing people with a proven track record of success in a large council.

I will be making an announcement very soon.

If any of the 3 short-listed candidates had been at the helm we would not have today’s problems.

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