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101 key actions and targets reported in Council’s latest Annual Report

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Central Coast Council has released their latest Annual Report, which provides a comprehensive account of Council’s performance from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018.

The progress of 101 actions and targets that formed part of the Operational Plan for 2017-18 are reported against four key themes: Community, Environment, Economy and Governance and Leadership.

Mayor Jane Smith said the Annual Report was the first for the current elected Council and highlights important achievements in collaboration with key stakeholders and the community.

“We prioritised spending to deliver projects the community told us matter to them and that align with the vision of our first ever Community Strategic Plan (CSP), to create a ‘smart, green and liveable region with a shared sense of belonging and responsibility,” Mayor Smith said.

We are committed to delivering openness and transparency in decision-making and have set up Advisory Committees to maximise community participation.

“We also continue to live stream all Council meetings and continue to get out and talk to our community at pop-up stalls and information sessions and actively encourage feedback.”

Council spent $541million in essential services and $207.9 million in capital works projects including roads, transport and drainage, water and sewer, open space and recreation, waste management and coast management.

Council’s Chief Executive Officer Gary Murphy said the results demonstrate a forward focus in Council’s position as a new regional and significant local government organisation.

“The operating surplus is a result of the integration of the two former Council’s finances and is testament to the work of Council staff to create a resilient and sustainable organisation for the future of the coast community,” said Mr Murphy.

“During the ongoing transition to single processes, Council staff remained focussed on bringing innovation into what they do and how they do it and are aware of the opportunity that a new regional Council has to make effective changes that will benefit the community.”


Key highlights and achievements on each theme in the Annual Report 2017-18 include:

  • Community: A total of 22 out of 26 actions and targets from the theme of Community were completed, with two on target for completion and two being carried over to 2018-19. Achievements include:

    • The development and adoption of the first ever Community Strategic Plan for the Central Coast - One – Central Coast.

    • Construction of the Spike Milligan exhibition space at Woy Woy Library, which honours the legacy of the world famous comedian who regularly visited the Woy Woy Peninsula.

    • Hosting the Queen’s Baton Relay in February 2018 for the Commonwealth Games, with the baton making its way through Gosford town centre.

  • Environment: 11 out of 16 actions and targets were completed, with five being carried over to 2018-19. Achievements include:

    • Construction of a 200 metre boardwalk at Saltwater Creek Reserve to protect the sensitive foreshore habitat, improve water quality and provide recreational opportunities for the community.

    • Delivery of 1,200 reusable keep cups to local cafes with the aim of reducing litter and the amount of single use coffee cups ending up in landfills.

    • Implementation of a roadside litter project that provides an integrated approach to litter prevention through education and awareness, infrastructure, regulation and enforcement. The project focuses on three hotspots at Blue Haven Link Road, Somersby Industrial Park and the Kariong M1 on-ramp.

  • Economy: A total of six out of 16 actions and targets were completed, five on target for completion, with one being carried over to 2018-19 and four closed. Achievements included:

    • Launching the new Central Coast tourism website to showcase what the Central Coast has to offer and attract more visitors to the region.

    • Development and adoption of the Norah Head Masterplan, with 51 projects to be implemented at key locations including Cabbage Tree Bay, the rock pool and boat ramp, Mazlin Reserve, Bush Street Reserve and Young Street Reserve.

    • Continued work with the State Government to implement the Central Coast Regional Plan, with more than 6,000 dwelling consents granted since the commencement of the Plan.

  • Governance and Leadership: A total of 43 actions and targets from the theme of Governance and Leadership were listed within the Operational Plan 2017-18. Performance on these actions resulted in 21 completed, five on target and 17 closed. Achievements included:

    • Re-signing of the Sister City Agreement with Edogawa City Council in Japan, providing continued cultural and tourism opportunities for the Central Coast.

    • Launching the 2018 scholarship program, with successful applicants working alongside professionals to gain new skills and experience before completing their studies and entering the workforce full-time.

    • Development and the launching of Council’s new website.

The audited financial statements for the 2017-18 reporting period are also included in the Annual Report as an addendum.


Council’s Annual Report 2017-18 can be viewed on Council’s website at

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