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Event Booking - Wedding Ceremony

Find the perfect space for your next meeting, event or activity on the Central Coast. Explore our range of conveniently located venues.

Central Coast Council offers a variety of community centres, halls and meeting rooms for hire by both individuals and organisations. Our venues are ideal for a wide range of activities, including:

  • meetings
  • workshops
  • training sessions
  • community events
  • social gatherings.

Our user-friendly online booking system makes it easy to browse venues, check availability and book online.

If you have any questions or require assistance with the booking process, please contact us via email,

Privacy Notification

Some of the information you provide on this form is your personal information, including for example your name and contact information. This information is being collected by Council for the purpose of assessing your application to use one of Council’s Open Space areas and for ongoing contact with you in relation to your application and if approved, use of Council’s Open Space areas. The information will be accessible by Council staff. It is voluntary for you to provide your personal information on this form, however if you do not provide the information, Council will not accept your application. You may apply to access or amend the personal information provided on this form at any time.

Conditions of hire

  1. A booking confirmation will be provided if the booking is approved by Council. Until a confirmation is received, no activities/ usage of the area is permitted to occur. The fees will be invoiced as per Council’s Fees & Charges (some fees are non-refundable).
  2. A Public Liability Insurance cover for a minimum of $20,000,000 is to be supplied by the following applicants: sporting codes, incorporated bodies, users occupying a facility more than ten times a year or hirers gaining a financial benefit from the event.
  3. Liabilities: The Public Liability policy must either note Council as owner and the hirer as occupier of the site for the date(s) of hire and contain a cross liability clause or contain a general condition that these types of activities are specifically covered by the policy.
  4. The hirer agrees to indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless the Central Coast Council from and against any and all claims, demands, actions and proceedings whatsoever in relation to personal injury or property damage caused by or occasioned during the hirers use of the facility and shall indemnify the Council for any and all fees, costs and expenses incurred in respect thereof.
  5. Note 1: This indemnity does not operate where the said personal injury or property damage is sustained as a result of a negligent act or omission on the part of Council or its servants.
  6. Note 2: The hirer will be responsible to have this indemnity noted and accepted by its insurer.
  7. Personal Accident/Workers Compensation/Public Liability: The organiser is responsible to ensure that all parties involved in the organisation of the event have suitable insurance cover. Council will not be responsible for any personal injury to event personnel and requires indemnification from the event organiser should any claims be made against Council.
  8. Council will not be responsible for any equipment brought on site.
  9. Sports ground closure information is accessible through Council’s website. Contingency arrangements should be made in case of such an occurrence.
  10. The cost to restore any damage to the recreation area as a result of the activities will be borne by the hirer. The decision to use the recreation area is the responsibility of the hirer in periods of inclement weather or when damage is considered likely to be caused to turfed surfaces. As the hirer, you will be invoiced for any damage.
  11. Fees and bonds must be paid in full within 30 days of invoice date AND/OR is paid BEFORE commencement of the booking. The bond is refundable in full or in part after deducting the sum required for cleaning, damages and any other costs incurred. Council will inspect the site, a refund will be issued, subject to any damage.
  12. The hirer must take their own photos of the hired space prior to commencement for proof of condition of the area prior to access. These photos may be requested should Council believe that damage has occurred as a result of your booking.
  13. Council reserves the right to cancel the approval (or any part thereof) if you or anyone associated with your booking breaches any of its duties or obligations under this approval.
  14. Monetary compensation cannot be claimed for the inability to utilise the location/s stipulated in the approval for reason including but not limited to Council restoration or construction works, lack of use by the hirer, inclement weather or any other unforeseen circumstances.
  15. No alterations or modifications are to be made to existing facilities without the approval of the Manager Open Space & Recreation or representative.
  16. The key is to be returned at a time suitable to both parties – either same day or next business day. A key bond is applicable and not refunded until the key is returned. The loss of a key may result in the hirer invoiced to re-key a whole facility. If you contact Council’s after-hours service to collect keys, you are responsible for the call out costs associated (minimum 4 hours).
  17. The amenities and area must be left in a clean and tidy condition at the conclusion of use devoid of all rubbish and debris, if not a service fee for cleaning may apply.
  18. 16. It is the hirers’ responsibility to ensure all relevant risk assessments are conducted and risk mitigation is undertaken.
  19. The hirer is required to inspect all surfaces prior to the commencement of the use to ensure the surface is in a safe condition for use. This applies to each day of access. Surfaces deemed unsafe must not be used until repaired. If the grounds are found to be unsafe, please ensure Council is notified.
  20. If there has been inclement weather prior to your event, please undertake a thorough inspection of the area to determine suitability for vehicle access and site set up. Whilst undertaking your inspection on foot, if there is any sinking into the surface and it does not bounce back and/or water rises to the surface this means that the ground has reached saturation point and damage will occur quickly, and your event is not to proceed. Contingency arrangements should be made in case of such an occurrence.
  21. The hirer is responsible for waste management during an activity, cleaning the area and ensuring that it is left in a clean and tidy condition at the conclusion of the activity. Details of waste and garbage disposal systems can be obtained from Councils Waste Services. The hirer is responsible for waste management and arranging for the provision, emptying, removal and payment for adequate litter bins for the event. If additional bins at the site are required, this must be arranged directly with Council’s Waste Management Officer who can be contacted on P: 02 4306 7900 or email . Any costs incurred by Council in cleaning the booked area will be borne by the hirer.
  22. The hirer must take suitable precautions to ensure the safety and orderly behaviour of the spectators and must always endeavour not to disturb or inconvenience the general public.
  23. A First Aid Officer must be present during any event. It is the hirers responsibility to have a designated first aid officer and sight relevant first aid qualifications.
  24. Smoking is prohibited in any Council facility, or Open Space area. As the hirer it is your responsibility to ensure you take all necessary steps to advise guests and ensure that smoking is NOT permitted.
  25. Council’s Open Space Areas are alcohol free zones. The consumption of alcohol is only permitted subject to the issuance of a Functions Licence from the Licensing Police (to be obtained by the hirer).
  26. The hirer is responsible for hire set up in such a way that it prevents damage to people or property by providing adequate precaution i.e. temporary netting or fencing. Approval must be sought from Council prior to any temporary fencing, barriers etc are erected.
  27. Any star pickets are to be capped, flagged bunting is the preferred method of connecting star pickets. Roping off areas must only occur shortly before the commencement of the event and must be taken down immediately. Rope must be adequately highlighted by brightly coloured ribbon and long enough to be highly visible, tied at no less than one (1) meter along the full length of the rope.
  28. When car parks gates or reserve sliprails are locked on arrival, please ensure they are LOCKED and secured when you leave the facility. This must be done even if there are vehicles still located within the car park when you are leaving. This is a measure Council have had to take due to repeated attacks of vandalism and damage to facilities by vehicles.
  29. Parking other than vehicles specifically approved for the activities, will not be permitted on Council oval/park/beach/reserve. Other than those vehicles specifically approved are permitted on these areas. Loading and unloading must otherwise be undertaken with the vehicles in a marked parking bay. Infringement notices may be issued to any unauthorised vehicle parked on the oval/park/beach/reserve area.
  30. The protection and safety of persons attending the activity or within the immediate vicinity is extremely important. Council's Rangers will patrol the locality during the hire as resources permit. Penalty notices are likely to be issued for vehicles being parked contrary to sign posted restrictions, approved traffic management plans or Australian Road Rules. Proactive patrols of parking by the event organiser should also be instigated and regular announcements broadcast to attendees encouraging observance of parking restrictions and warning attendees of the potential for Ranger patrols.
  31. Note 1: Emergency vehicle accesses are always to be kept clear.
  32. Noise levels are to be kept within the limits set by the Environment Protection Authority. The hirer is required to comply with the relevant environmental protection laws in relation to all activities.
  33. Structures utilising scaffolding or staging must be certified structurally stable by a practising structural engineer.
  34. Amusement devices - Approval for placement of Amusement devices must be made through Central Coast Council by submitting an Event Application form. It is the hirers responsibility to sight a current certificate of currency for public liability insurance from the provider of the amusements.
  35. Pegs are not permitted to secure any structure. Structures must be weighted with sandbags.
  36. The location of all structures including stage, portable toilets, temporary fences are to be erected to the satisfaction of the Manager Open Space & Recreation or representative and must reflect the site map provided as part of your application. Any changes to the site map must be approved by Council prior to the commencement of your booking.
  37. Signs are not permitted in Central Coast Council’s Open Space unless authorised by Council’s Open Space & Recreation section. Banners/signs can only be hung for the duration of the event. The organiser is responsible for the safe erection of the signs; they are not to block public access to and from the area. The organiser is responsible for dismantling banners/signs in adverse weather conditions should they pose a danger to the public and removal from site at the close of the event. It is also the event organiser’s responsibility to ensure all signage is erected in a secure manner so as not to cause harm to the public.
  38. Glass is not permitted at any Council’s open space. Please ensure all necessary steps are taken to ensure no glass is taken onto the reserve.
  39. Shade structures must be weighed down and not pegged into the grounds surface. No guy ropes are to be placed in the public thoroughfare due to the potential trip hazards that will be created.
  40. Fireworks are not permitted in Central Coast Council’s Open Space unless authorised by Council’s Open Space & Recreation Manager.
  41. Compliance with the relevant environmental protection laws in relation to the activity is required.
  42. It is the hirer's responsibility to contact the NSW Rural Fire Service on 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737) prior to (and on the day of) their event to determine whether a Fire Weather Warning (indicating Very High to Extreme Fire Danger) has been issued for the Greater Sydney Metropolitan Area.
  43. Council does not permit activities to be conducted on or within the turf wicket area. Please ensure this area remains inaccessible to all participants and spectators.
  44. Council’s Rangers and staff may inspect the area during the event to ensure that Council’s By-Laws and Regulations are being observed. The hirer shall promptly rectify any non-compliance brought to their attention by Council’s Rangers and staff. Council reserves the right to issue fines for non-compliance.
  45. The hirer does not have exclusive use of the open space area.
  46. No goal posts are available. Portable goal posts need to be in accordance with the Australian Standards recommendations.
  47. Adequate security and safety resources should always be in place during the hired period.
  48. A current working with children protection card is required for worker and volunteers who will be actively participating/instructing in the stated activity with person under the age of 18.
  49. Filming and Photography is permitted on the condition that the hirer ensures appropriate photography consent and image release forms are sought from attendees or participants of the activity. The use of drones over Council’s Open Space areas is prohibited.
  50. Where the number of people attending the activity exceeds 250, a minimum of 6 toilets must be provided. Thereafter 1 additional toilet for every 250 people must be provided. Toilets must be located a minimum of 20 metres from the nearest waterway and or stormwater pit.
  51. The hirer is responsible to ensure safe vehicle movements within the open space area i.e. one person in front and one person behind vehicle whilst in motion. Traffic controllers are required when travelling over a shared pathway to manage pedestrian access. Vehicles are not permitted to proceed faster than a walking pace. Vehicle movements within the Open Space area must be kept to a minimum.
  52. Access to shared pathways and public thoroughfares are always to be maintained. Structures are not to be set up within five (5) meters of a shared pathway.
  53. Stallholders and hirers must use sustainable, green and biodegradable packaging where possible. The use of balloons is prohibited.
  54. Council and any persons authorised by Council must have access to the site at all reasonable times to enter upon and examine the condition of the area and the site set up in accordance with the condition of hire.
  55. This approval covers land activities only. A separate approval from RMS may be required.
  56. It is the hirers responsibility to obtain approval for Authority to Fundraise for Charitable Purposes issued by NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming & Racing.
  57. All temporary food premises (stalls) are to comply with Council’s Code for Temporary Food Premises, the Food Act 1989 and Food Regulations 2001.

Note 1: Any vans used for the preparation and sale of food should be constructed in accordance with Council’s “Code for Food Stalls and Food Vans” as well as the above-mentioned legislation. They are to be inspected and approved by Council Environmental Health Officer please call 02 4306 7900 at least 4 weeks prior to the event.

  • All on site vans must be provided with sullage tanks for the collection of waste water and be approved by Council Environmental Health Officer.
  • Drop sheets/cardboard must be placed under BBQs to catch any grease and prevent waste on the site.

All electrical installation shall comply with AS-3002

If accessing Council power, the hirer is responsible for engaging a licenced electrician to be on site during bump in. The electrician is responsible for ensuring that the electrical equipment is set up safely as per relevant industry guidelines. The hirer is required to obtain an electrical report and must be provided to Council upon request by Council staff. Council takes no responsibility for the incorrect use of power outlets.

Note 1: Where flexible extension cords are used to provide power, a core balance earth leakage circuit breaker having a rated tripping current not exceeding 30m, shall be installed at the first point of supply to protect the equipment and the user.
Note 2: Double adaptors and 3 pin adaptors (piggyback) are NOT to be used.
Note 3: Flexible extension cords shall be supported above the ground, at a height of not less than 2.5 meters or covered underground This does not apply within a distance of 2 meters from where the power is to be used. The cost to supply power and any upgrading of power outlets is to be met by the organiser.
Note 4: All electrical equipment used must have been tested and tagged as per Work Cover code of Practice within 6 months of use.

Compliance with all conditions laid down by the NSW Police Service, NSW Fire Service, RTA and any other Departments/ Authorities.

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