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Turtley awesome news: New hatchlings at Turtle Island in Springfield
Turtle under lily pads

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We are shell-ebrating the safe hatching of several clutches of turtles on their ‘turtle island’ at Springfield Pond Wetland.

In a first for the Central Coast, members of the Springfield Residents Association introduced their citizen science project on Thursday 10 October, with the aim to increase survival rates of freshwater turtles and turtle nests.

The island was installed by the experts from the 1 Million Turtles community conservation program, in association with the University of Sydney and partner universities and agencies, and collaboration with Central Coast Council.

Springfield Wetland was chosen for the turtle island habitat due to its location, proximity to universities and schools, and community interest in the wetland.

When female turtles nest on the island, their eggs are safer from foxes which have a devastating impact on turtle populations.

The island has helped at least three clutches of eggs through to the adorable hatchling stage! Now that’s turtley awesome!

To get involved and discover more:

For more information, contact Glenys Ray on 0403 466 588 or at


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