Published On
29/06/2023This project is now complete and ready for you to enjoy - check out the photos of the new spaces and head to Umina to play and stay active
What's happening?
Council is redeveloping several areas within the Peninsula Recreation and Active Lifestyle Precinct (formerly known as Umina Recreation Area) to provide functional, accessible, and engaging sporting and recreation infrastructure for the benefit of the community.
The Peninsula community has strongly supported plans for Council to further enhance Umina’s sporting and recreation precinct and this goal is becoming a reality.
Funding from the Australian Government for $8,250,000 under the Community Development Grant program is enabling Council to deliver revitalised sports and recreation infrastructure based on the community’s vision and needs.
Project stages
This multi-year project will be delivered in five stages. Stage one works commenced early 2022, with the subsequent stages progressing throughout 2022 to 2024.
Stage 1 - Umina tennis facility upgrades
- Works included the replacement of the building’s roof and installation of a new synthetic surface for court five to create a dedicated futsal court.

Stage 2 - Sydney Ave parking and pathway upgrade
Works included:
- Construction of a new shared path on the western side of Sydney Avenue (adjacent to the proposed skatepark)
- Provision of two new accessible car spaces within existing on street parking (Sydney Ave, adjoining recreational area
- Formalising the existing car parking, located alongside beach access points near the caravan park (with around 50 additional spaces). Plus, construction of a formalised concrete pedestrian pathway, which connects the new formalised car park to the caravan park and recreational precinct.
- Reconstruction of the access road from Sydney Avenue to Ocean Beach Caravan Park, including provision of a new below ground stormwater drainage infrastructure to address existing ponding/flooding in Sydney Avenue, additional parallel parking spaces, and the upgrade of pedestrian crossings with a raised crossing with pedestrian lighting. This latest scope of works was entirely funded by Council and was outside the original plan but was deemed essential to provide benefits to the community.

Stage 3 - Construction of two upgraded sportsground amenities buildings
- Two upgraded sportsground amenities buildings have been constructed at Umina sportsground (Etta Road and Melbourne Ave).
- Works included the demolition of the existing aged amenities buildings and the construction of two significantly improved and accessible facilities for the benefit of the local rugby league, cricket and soccer groups that use these popular sports fields. The new Melbourne Ave amenities incorporates unisex, ambulant and accessible toilets, two changerooms, one canteen and store, two storage rooms and one clubroom. The new amenities building at Etta Road also incorporates unisex, ambulant and accessible toilets, plus four changerooms, one referee room, canteen and store, storage room, and clubroom. Each site also has utility service upgrades and new accessible pathways so everyone can participate.

Stage 4 - skate park, BMX pump track, basketball court
- The existing skate park and BMX track has been demolished to make way for a new custom built-for-purpose regional sized skate park facility and BMX pump track for a broad range of active wheel sports for all ages and abilities. Works also include the installation of new recreational infrastructure including park furniture, shelters, water refill station, connective pathways and landscaping.
- The existing half basketball court was demolished and replaced with a full size basketball court.
- A bouldering climbing unit will be installed at the completion of the skate park component.
- Engagement with the community has been at the forefront of stage 4 projects, with feedback from community consultation in 2018-19 being used for planning and design.

Stage 5 - Cricket practice nets
- Works included the demolition and reconstruction of the three cricket practice nets in a new location.

Providing safe and engaging outdoor spaces for our community
This milestone follows a shared journey between Council, local community sporting groups, Umina Community Group, the hundreds of engaged residents that participated in previous community consultation, and the Federal Government.
This project is funded by the Australian Government with $8,250,000 from the Community Development Grants Programme and Central Coast Council, with a contribution from Umina Community Group.
Council is passionate about providing safe and engaging outdoor spaces for our community to promote healthy and active lifestyles and to help create connected communities. These upgrades will enhance and complement the existing regional playspace and quality sports fields - which are already popular with locals and visitors to our region.
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