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    Town Centres
    Brownes Lane Garden Improvement
    As part of the ongoing garden improvement program in Toukley, the garden located in Brownes Lane at the entrance to the Victoria Street carpark has been upgraded with overgrown shrubs removed, new planting and mulch.
    Town Centres
    Information & Ideas Exchange
    The Information & Ideas Exchange Breakfast attracted business owners, commercial property owners and community organisations to:Find out about completed and planned projects and initiatives to revitalise the Toukley town centre.Plan what a Buy Local campaign might look like to benefit Toukley businesses.Share ideas to activate and improve amenity of the Toukley town centre.Given the success of the breakfast it is planned to hold regular Information & Ideas Exchange sessions.
    Town Centres
    Pavement Mural in the Village Green Toukley
    A vibrant mural has been installed by local artist Angela Clarke on the walkway leading up through the Village Green, Toukley.The minimalistic design has been informed by the Toukley Identity Package emblem derived from the indigenous name for Toukley – Toukley Oukley meaning rough and smooth waters.The design incorporates the Toukley bridge over the lake with smooth waters on one side and rough waters the other.
    Town Centres
    Town Centre Pressure Washing
    The town centres of Gosford, Terrigal, Toukley, The Entrance, Wyong and Budgewoi received a much-needed pressure clean over the last three months.
    Town Centres
    Pressure Cleaning of Sandstone Blocks in Toukley
    During the month of October the sandstone blocks around the amenity block, Coles car park and the Village Green were pressured cleaned to remove mould and grime, improving amenity of the area.
    Town Centres
    New Tree Lighting in Toukley
    Solar powered fairy lights have been installed in 12 trees around the Toukley town centre including the Village Green, Canton Beach Rd and Brownes Lane. 
    Town Centres
    Re-mulch of Village Green playground
    During November the playground and fig tree garden in the Village Green received an upgrade.
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