Central Coast Council is responsible for the sixth largest urban area in Australia.
Central Coast Council is responsible for the sixth largest urban area in Australia. Our Council area is 1681 square kilometres, which makes us far bigger geographically than Canberra.
The most recent projected population of the Central Coast by 2036 is 415,050. That’s a 23% increase in population, of approximately 80,000 people. Planning for growth and maintaining the lifestyle that our community enjoys is important for Council.
The Central Coast Council is represented by 15 Councillors who were elected for a 4-year term, until September 2028.
Our Councillors are elected by residents across five electoral areas known as wards.
Council has met all milestones and targets in its Financial Recovery Plan that was put in place in late 2020.
Central Coast Council is proud to assist you in taking the final step towards becoming an Australian citizen.