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Road Renewal Program

Extra $20million funding planned for Council’s road renewal program

To improve road conditions and address infrastructure backlogs, Council is planning to allocate an extra $20million over the next four years in road renewals.

This funding will fast-track road renewals across 23 suburbs that you told us were important and brings our total 10 Year Road Renewal Program investment to over $400million, ensuring safer, sustainable roads for the future.

Road renewal works include resurfacing and rehabilitation, providing long-term solutions as part of the full life cycle of road maintenance and management. While basic maintenance, such as pothole filling, offer short-term treatments to keep roads safe. 

In July 2024, we completed a full road condition survey and an independent pavement review to ensure road renewals are planned and prioritised using industry best practices.

Councillors gathered community feedback on which roads needed to be prioritised for renewal through online surveys, door knocking and a review of customer and maintenance enquiries. Nominated projects were then verified by technical staff for suitability.

Councillors recently participated in workshops to shape the final program, ensuring it aligns with community priorities, technical criteria – including asset condition, road safety and traffic volumes – as well as other major projects being delivered by Council, developers or Transport for NSW.

The proposed additional $20million investment will be spent on road renewals across the Coast in the following areas: 

Gosford East WardThe Entrance WardWyong Ward Gosford West WardBudgewoi Ward
•    Killcare 
•    Saratoga
•    Davistown 
•    Kincumber
•    Erina 
•    Terrigal
•    Killarney Vale
•    Long Jetty 
•    Wamberal
•    Tumbi Umbi 
•    Blue Bay
•    The Entrance 
•    Berkeley Vale
•    Dooralong 
•    Wyong Creek
•    Tuggerawong
•    Woy Woy
•    Ettalong Beach
•    Patonga 
•    East Gosford
•    Gwandalan
•    San Remo
•    Budgewoi

Our road network spans 2,200km and is valued at $2billion. It includes 180 km of Regional Roads, 443 km of Distributor or Collector Roads and 1,627 km of Local Roads. The rest are State Roads, managed by Transport for NSW.

This announcement follows a resolution of the Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 25 March 2025. View Council report, item No: 3.4 – title: 10 Year Road Renewal Program

What's next?

The $20million road renewal program will be included in the draft Delivery Program and 2025-26 Operational Plan and placed on public exhibition in May.  

We also want to make it easier for you to stay informed on upcoming road renewals. We are building a new interactive online map (launching 1 July) so you can easily access scheduled road renewal works each year over the coming 10 years.

Frequently asked questions
  • Road Renewal works bring an asset in poor condition back to its original condition or to prolong the life of the road – improving the condition of the road pavement and reducing ongoing maintenance costs.

    The Road renewal program consists of various treatments from lower cost resurfacing to higher cost road rehabilitation and reconstruction.

    Works include treatments such as crack sealing, road rehabilitation and resurfacing of the pavement. These renewal works do not provide new infrastructure, such as kerb and gutter or footpaths where they currently do not exist.

    This approach allows our road network of over 2,000km, to be managed in a way that uses available funding in an economic and sustainable way.

  • Council identifies roads for renewal works based on best practice management with consideration to road condition, road classification, traffic volumes, work history and maintenance costs, and uses an advanced Pavement Management System which models the Central Coast road network and produces an improved program, which allows for long term planning.

    In July 2024, Council completed a full road network condition survey ensuring we have the most accurate and up to date information possible on every road in the network. We also completed an independent review of our practices to ensure that the way we prioritise road renewal projects and develop road renewal programs is as effective as possible and uses the latest road asset industry best practice and innovation.

    Community and Councillors also influenced which roads would be included in the additional $20million road renewal program. Priority lists were gathered from community feedback via online surveys, door knocking and reviews of maintenance and customer enquiries, and then Councillors shaped the final program through workshops to ensure alignment with community priorities, technical criteria and other major projects being delivered by Council, developers or Transport for NSW.

  • Construction cost increases has contributed to a backlog in road infrastructure works – a challenge faced by many Councils.

    We have several strategies to address the backlog of work and improve overall road network to better meet community expectations and priorities, such as:

    •    Increase investment, with an additional $20 million on road renewal over the next four years 
    •    Advocate for more grant funding from Australian and NSW governments
    •    Align future budgets with cost forecasting 
    •    Use of innovative technologies to reduce the costs of renewal works 
    •    Extend the life of completed road renewals 

  • Upgrades improve an existing asset by adding new infrastructure such as construction of street drainage, kerb and gutter, pathways along with a new road pavement. 

    Road and drainage upgrades including requests for new kerb and gutter, pathways and street drainage, are listed for consideration of funding through Council’s Capital Works Program.  

    These projects are prioritised against technical criteria which results in a ranking of projects, with highest priority projects generally being considered for an allocation of funding.  This technical criteria includes road pavement condition and risk, traffic volumes and classification, proximity to nearby facilities such as schools, hospitals, CBD and recreational facilities, and environmental benefits. With limited funding, Council is currently concentrating on delivering existing grant and developer contribution plan funded projects (and renewal works).  Presently, little opportunity is available to provide road and drainage upgrade projects outside of these parameters.

    New works provide new assets where they did not exist before. Examples include construction of new shared pathways, a pedestrian refuge or traffic facilities or a wharf. These projects generally result from growth of an area, social or environmental needs.

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